Area management: Gansbaai and Stanford
The geographical area of the Gansbaai/Stanford administration (Ward 1,2,11 & 14) covers more than 50% of the geographical area (±2 000 km² ) of the Overstrand. It stretches from just outside Voëlklip (Hermanus) to Quin Point on the Eastern Boundary of the Overstrand area and Includes the residential areas of Stanford, Greater Gansbaai Area (De Kelders, Perlemoenbaai, Gansbaai, Blompark, Masakhane, Kleinbaai, Dangerpoint, Klipfonteyn, Franskraal)
The staff component allocated to this administration consists of 234 members and their main function is to manage and to maintain infrastructure needed to render the variety of municipal services required by the local residents. The Stanford office is also responsible for rendering of the Post Office service on an agency basis.
Senior Manager: Gansbaai/Stanford Administration
Management: Gansbaai/Stanford
What do I do:
Responsibilities of the Senior Manager: Gansbaai/Stanford Administration
To act as an extension of the office of the Municipal Manager and to secure the provision of services to various towns and communities in the Overstrand area in an integrated sustainable manner, interpret and implement legislation applicable on local government, promote democratic and accountable governance via the functioning of the ward committees according to the Batho Pele Principles and ensure administrative support services on a decentralised basis.”
Name: Vacant
Contact Number: +27 28 384 8300
Administration Management: Stanford
What do we do:
Responsibilities of the Principal Administrative Officer:
To promote democratic and accountable governance as an extension of the Senior Manager: Gansbaai/Stanford in the decentralised area of Stanford and to secure the provision of services in an integrated and sustainable manner.
Name: Mr Charl Cornelius
Contact Number: 028 341 8500
Operational Management (Gansbaai & Stanford Area)
Definition of Function:
Responsibilities of the Senior Operational Manager: Gansbaai/Stanford:
Manages the key performance areas and result indicators associated with the rehabilitation and maintenance of infrastructure through investigation, analysis and interpretation of developmental requirements against the capacity and capability of the department to accomplish immediate, short and longer term service delivery objectives to the broader local community of Overstrand, within the framework of the directorate Community Services, according to Council precepts.
Name: J. Solomons
Contact Number: +27 28 341 8312